Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Haiz , what do i do now . Erm.... let's see my record first before i've say anything. Erm.... Seen form 2 started my 1st boyfriend. Afterthat , continuously changed 3 boyfriends without any break. It's like yesterday break up with A then tomorrow start a new relationship with B . Okay, that's my record anyway . Erm..... so , see, it's just almost 1 year anniversary of my last break up with my last ex . Oh ya , i've forget to mention another things, within the 4 ex, they're 3 of them who i like, within the 3 , two of them i seriously like , and yet within the two , only one who i really fall in love with him .

Okay, let's back to our main topic for this, erm................ ........ ..... ...

.... I'm NOT SURE yet , NOT SURE , is really NOT SURE that isn't i like another new guy again !! Okay, listen properly, have i mention before? i'm not sure yet , not sure it's true feeling or not. Haizz...... it's feel good to tell out this.

Okay, so , now there's the problem. That guy 6 years older than me , my senior who studied in the same secondary school with me . Well, ofcourse, we're not met in school. I knew the guy quite some time also, before we really know each others. Erm...... we have the same place to go , which i think only hourssy know where is it . >,^ shhh(if you know that ). But there's not the place we know each other, we met on facebook actually. Then we exchanged number, then we start sms, then we chat.

Er... First when he tried to know me, i really get shock. I seen him before at the place, and that time when i saw him, honestly i feel like he's quite good look , not very handsome but good in looking . So when he asked for my cellphone number, I've a bit of unbelievable. Anyway, the story goes on ......

Let me recall when we really sms..... Erm....... ...... ..... ....YA! last Wednesday, 21th of April. Wao ~ just not even 1 week. the two days after we sms , on the third day, he called me and we chat, the first time we chat spent us 4 to 5 hours , until around 4a.m early morning(i think shouldn't call midnight ). lolzzx.
Yet , that's not the end of the story, day after we chat, he drive to my house sent a gift for me .

Erm.... So, just within 1 week , we already seem like very familiar with each other. So it's impossible for me to like him right??! Haiz.... What happen to me , it's going to reopen school for form 6 , and yet i still can't clear my mind out of these things, all these love sentiment ! Suck !!

Monday, April 12, 2010


(07年中六毕业的财政),也在里面。我们不能做什么,只是看着他。前辈们都到Gary 而变为他打气,叫他快点好起来,我没去跟他说什么。因为那时的我,眼眶里泪水已经在打滚了,我很清楚如果我再开口说什么,眼泪一定会忍不住的,我不想在他家人面前哭,让他们更伤心,因为我知道他们已经哭了好几遍了。看着他的脸,我努力回想Gary 以前的摸样,差太多,真的差太多了,我甚至有那么一刻的希望哪个不是Gary 。 他可是我们恒毅少林的教练耶,这么好,这么优秀的教练,怎么回昏睡三天都没有醒呢??!!!不久,Ariel ,07年秘书,和一个我中一时就毕业了的前辈也到了。Ariel说她也不相信里面那个躺着的是Gary.我们又能做什么呢?什么都不能.......Gary,快醒来吧,不管为了什么都好,求求你!

Monday, April 5, 2010


什么咚咚的什么咚咚啊............ 真是混帐东西,说什么以后都不要联络,不会见面了!去新加坡就很厉害么!!!什么咚咚跟什么咚咚啊!!!!!!!!!! 又有一个因告白失败而失去的朋友,到底是我的错还是他们的错啊???混帐!他们都把友情当儿戏吗?还是连粪土都不如?一段友情可以这样轻易就放下吗?那把他当死党的我到底算什么啊?告白失败很大不了吗?难道告白前都没想过失败后会怎样再去告白吗?混帐!!!如果说告白失败后再见面会尴尬,那接受不了那场面就不要告白好了啊!王八蛋!天下的男人都是那么不会处理感情问题的吗?混账东西男人,世界上就没用的动物!回你们的火星啦!不要在这里让我们把你们当朋友后再抛弃我们,你们这群白生的动物!!!!! 混帐!